Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cincy run LIKE hell XX

This was our second year participating in this event. It’s a fun race that runs through the Walnut Hills Cemetery at night. This year they extended the distance in the cemetery, adding more hills! Last year it was technically only 2.84 miles but, with the added time in the cemetery it became and official 5k.

Run like hell is more of a party and a charity event then a race. The proceeds benefit a great cause, cystic fibrosis.

The after party is always a good time. They have a band playing, plenty of food and a separate beer/ food section. Last year it was so cold after the race, so being seasoned vets, this year we brought hats, jackets, gloves, etc to be able to enjoy the post party without freezing our asses off. They also have some outdoor fire torch things (technical term) to provide some heat.

The Halloween costumes are the major reason to run this race. I am so lacking in the creative department, it’s really fun to see what the rest of the runners can come up with.  Dan and I decided to be Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable this year. 
not a good pic, but I'm in the front with my red hair

Not the best costumes we’ve come up with yet. Better luck next year!

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